EMC, Safety, Time to Market: Delegate your compliance work to the experts

The EMI Pre-Compliance Testing Process and Benefits

EMI (electromagnetic interference) can impact the performance and safety of electronic devices. Therefore, manufacturers must comply with the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards applicable to their products and industry.

Most companies conduct pre-compliance testing before the final compliance process to save money and time. This strategy lets you identify and resolve issues early in the product development process, preventing the need for redesigns and recalls further down the line. Furthermore, it shortens the go-to-market time with the new product.

Astrodyne TDI provides EMI pre-compliance testing solutions to businesses across various industries. We have the capabilities and resources to deliver accurate results regardless of project complexity.

Understanding EMI Pre-Compliance Testing

Before formal certification, EMI pre-compliance testing is performed on electronic devices to assess their electromagnetic compatibility. It allows manufacturers to identify and resolve potential EMI issues early in the product development cycle. EMI pre-compliance testing reduces the risk of failing formal compliance testing, thus saving money, time, and effort in reworking the design.

During EMI pre-compliance testing, manufacturers evaluate the device's EMI emissions and susceptibility to external interference. Based on the results, you can make design adjustments to improve performance and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

You may conduct different types of tests, including:

  1. Radiated emissions testing
  2. Conducted emissions testing
  3. Susceptibility testing

Each test serves a unique purpose and must be conducted according to the required standards and industry best practices.

What Are the Differences Between EMI and EMC Testing?

EMI is unwanted noise or disruptions in an electric path or circuit caused by an external source. The test focuses on a device's electromagnetic emissions and how they interfere with other devices or systems. On the other hand, EMC is the device's ability to function in an electromagnetic environment without interfering with others.

In summary, EMC is how efficiently the device blocks EMI. EMI and EMC tests ensure systems perform optimally and coexist in their intended electromagnetic environment. They improve reliability, safety, and customer satisfaction.

What Are the EMC Standards? Devices must comply with EMC standards to overcome EMI. EMC standards are the rules that define the test procedures, emission limits, and immunity levels for EMC. Renowned administrative bodies design regional, national and international EMC standards. Examples include:

  1. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  2. The International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR)
  3. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  4. European Standards (EN)

Each organization has different standards applicable to various industries, such as industrial, medical, automotive, aerospace, and defense. Other standards are industry-specific, such as the MIL-STD-461, designed for electronic devices used by the United States military.

The EMC Certification Process

EMC certification generally includes the following steps:

  • Selection of applicable standards: Determine which EMC standards are relevant to the product based on the intended use, market regulation, and industry requirements.
  • Pre-compliance testing: Conduct pre-compliance testing to assess the product's EMC. This step lets you identify and address potential issues.
  • Formal testing: Engage a certified testing laboratory to conduct formal EMC testing. Once the process is complete, the lab will issue a report.
  • Documentation preparation: Gather all the necessary documentation, including the test report and technical specifications, to demonstrate that the product meets the required EMC standards.
  • Certification application: Submit the documents to the relevant certification body or regulatory agency for review. You may be required to fill out a form and pay an administrative fee.
  • Certification review: The certification body or agency reviews the application to verify compliance. Depending on the situation, you may be asked to provide additional information or conduct further testing.
  • Certification issuance: The certification body or agency will issue an EMC certificate or declaration of conformity once it is satisfied that the product complies with the required standard.
  • Compliance marking: After receiving the certification, you can affix the appropriate compliance markings on the product.

How to get EMC Pre-Compliance Testing Done

To perform EMC pre-compliance testing, follow these steps:

  • Identify testing requirements: Determine the specific EMC standard applicable to the product.
  • Select a testing facility: Find an accredited facility offering EMI pre-compliance testing.
  • Provide product information: Share detailed product information with the testing facility.
  • Schedule testing: Schedule the testing and discuss the timeline and cost estimates.
  • Conduct testing: Depending on the situation, the testing would be conducted on-site or at the testing facility.
  • Review test results: Once the testing is complete, review the results to identify areas for improvement.
  • Implement changes: If you identify deficiencies, seek and implement recommendations from the testing facility.
  • Retest: In situations with significant changes, consider retesting to ensure compliance.
  • Document the outcome: Obtain and document the test procedures and reports.

Importance of EMI Pre-Compliance Testing

EMI pre-compliance testing has many benefits in the product life cycle:

  1. Cost Savings

    EMI pre-compliance testing can reveal issues early in the product life cycle. Manufacturers can fix the problems at that stage and prevent costly redesigns, retesting, and delays during the formal testing or after product launch.
  2. Time Efficiency

    Identifying and resolving EMI issues early can reduce the time required for product development and certification, helping companies bring products to market faster.
  3. Risk Mitigation

    Ensuring that products meet the required standards can enhance reliability. It also reduces the risk of lawsuits and legal sanctions due to noncompliance.
  4. Customer Confidence

    Product reliability builds trust and confidence with customers. EMI pre-compliance testing ensures that the final product is safe and performs optimally.
  5. Competitive Advantage

    When you conduct EMI pre-compliance testing and comply with the relevant standards, your products will likely outperform the noncompliant alternatives. Reliable and quality products can give you a competitive edge, driving growth in your business.

Challenges of EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

While crucial, EMI pre-compliance comes with some challenges:

  • Complexity: EMC standards can vary depending on the product and industry. Understanding, interpreting and implementing these standards correctly can be challenging for most manufacturers.
  • Equipment and facility: First, EMI pre-compliance testing requires using the right equipment. Second, you need the proper testing environment for accurate results. Building and maintaining such a facility can be expensive.
  • Expertise requirements: EMI pre-compliance testing requires a high level of expertise. Most companies find it challenging to acquire and train skilled personnel.
  • Time constraints: EMI pre-compliance requires special attention. As a manufacturer, this process can take a significant amount of time you would otherwise spend on your core operations.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to these challenges — outsourcing. Delegating compliance work to experts with the right capabilities can save time and money. Renowned organizations, like Astrodyne TDI, have skilled technicians and well-equipped facilities you can leverage to meet your compliance goals.

Contact Astrodyne TDI for Expert Assistance in Compliance Work

Astrodyne TDI has provided EMC compliance solutions to businesses for decades. We offer comprehensive testing and analysis, and our trained and experienced professionals are ready to support you. All our labs feature the same calibrated test equipment found in typical testing facilities. We deliver accurate results and employ industry best practices for optimal safety. Want to learn more about our products and services? Contact us now!