Solving EMC Challenges for LVAD
Solving Power and EMC Challenges
The LVAD is a perfect example of how Astrodyne TDI, using a target application space approach, can help customers solve their power and EMC challenges.
Astrodyne TDI is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of power supply and EMC/EMI filter solutions. A prominent customer of Astrodyne TDI is among the most notable manufacturers of Left Ventricle Assist Devices (LVAD) in the world. The company received FDA approval for one platform in late 2012 and is current developing and clinically testing its next-generation designs, which utilize new pump and control technology. In addition to the FDA approval in the United States, approval is pending in various other countries.
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LVADs are mechanical circulatory devices that partially or completely replace the functions of a failing heart. Originally LVADs were intended for short-term use, typically for patients recovering from heart attacks or heart surgery, or to sustain the functions of the heart while the patient awaits a transplant, a process referred to as Bridge to Transplant. Recently, regulatory bodies have begun allowing continued use of LVADs and some devices have already logged many years with patients; this is referred to as Destination Therapy.
LVADs have existed since the 1980s, but only in the past ten years have they been portable, giving patients the ability to receive transplants, leave the hospital, and return to a relatively normal life. In this application space worldwide, there are about 15 companies, two of which have received full FDA approval, while the others are working through clinical trials in the anticipation of receiving approval in the future.
The LVAD is a perfect example of how Astrodyne TDI, using the target application space approach, can help customers solve their power and EMC challenges. Astrodyne TDI has identified the needs of the Circulatory Market and is offering OEMs its experience and product. The system desires in this market are for increased patient convenience.
Astrodyne TDI currently supplies models of a few variations. The most notable models and examples of meeting the market need are CF, Low leakage, AC/DC, and DC/DC power supplies. CF leakage occurs due to the direct connection to the patient's body, creating a potentially harmful electrical current that must be protected against. The Astrodyne TDI brand has a broad range of CF leakage,40-135W, input Class I and II models that fit well into these applications.
To learn more about Astrodyne TDI and its products and capabilities, along with how the company is helping customers in the medical manufacturing space, visit us here.